Social & Educational Innovation
The Europe 2020 Strategy is the EU's growth and employment agenda in this decade. It points to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the structural deficiencies of the European economy, improve its competitiveness and productivity and sustain a sustainable social market economy.
The contract for training and learning is aimed at the professional qualification of workers, in a regime of alternating paid work activity in a company, with training activity received within the framework of the vocational training system for employment or the educational system .
This is an instrument designed to promote the employment of young people.
Its objective is the professional qualification of workers in a regime of alternating paid work activity in a company.
The training activity is received in the framework:
of the vocational training system for employment (Certificates of professionalism) or
of the educational system (Vocational Training Certificate)
Workers requirements:
That they do not have qualification for an internship contract.
Between 16 and 25 years old (under 30 years old until the unemployment rate falls below 15%.
No age limit for people with disabilities, social exclusion groups in insertion companies and students of Workshop-Schools, Trade Centers, Employment Workshops and Employment-Training Programs.
Duration: Minimum 1 year - maximum 3 years (Minimum 6 months by collective agreement).
Salary: Not less than the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI).
Requirements for the company:
Not having debt with the Treasury or Social Security
Not having been sanctioned.
You must commit to respecting effective work and training hours.
Provide the worker with the necessary means for him to carry out his training activity.
You must assign a company tutor to monitor the work activity and the agreement for the training activity and coordination of both, as well as the communication with the training center and preparation of a report on the performance of the job.
Incentives for the company:
Reduction of business fees 100% for companies with less than 250 workers and 75% for companies with more than 250 workers. The Royal Decree-Law 6/2016, of December 23, of urgent measures to promote the National Youth Guarantee System establishes that in the case of workers registered in the National Youth Guarantee System, this incentive, in the same percentages, will consist of a bonus.
Financing of training: Bonuses in business fees for a number of hours equivalent to the following percentages of the working day:
Workers Years of the contract
First year Second year Third year
Overall 25% fifteen% fifteen%
Additional bonus to finance the tutoring costs of the company , with a maximum amount of 1.5 euros per student and hour of tutoring, with a maximum of 40 hours per month per student. In companies with less than 5 workers, the maximum amount may be 2 euros per student and hour of tutoring.
If it becomes permanent for 3 years: € 1500 or € 1800 for women. In the case of workers registered in the National Youth Guarantee System, this incentive, in the same percentages, will consist of a bonus.
Benefits for the worker:
100% reduction of the worker's quota
Total social protection
Professional qualification
Distribution between work activity and training activity
The working day will be distributed according to the following percentages:
Work activity Training activity
First year 75% 25%
Second year 85% fifteen%
Third year 85% fifteen%
The work activity carried out by the worker in the company must be related to the training activity.
The objective of the training is the professional qualification of the workers
Vocational Training Titles middle grade or higher
Certificates of Professionalism level 1,2 and 3 qualification.
It may include complementary training that is included in the Catalog of Training Specialties.
In the employment training system, it may be taught in person or teletraining in the accredited / registered centers.
In the educational system, it may be taught in face-to-face or remote modality.
Model employment contract for training and learning PDF: 1.196Kb
Contract guide. PDF: 1Mb
Recruitment for training and learning
New Part-time Contract with Formative Bonding
The Part-time contract with Formative Bonding, is part of the Strategy Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment 2013/2016 and his objective main is stimulate the hiring and to offer to young people the possibility of improving your employability to the to combine training and professional experience. Thus, unemployed people they manage to join the labor market and Entrepreneurs find in this measure of incentive to hiring a quick and advantageous solution to incorporate personnel to their staff.
Features of the Part-time contract with Formative Bonding
What type of contracts does it apply to ?: The contract may be made for an indefinite period or temporary (of work or service, eventual, temporary).
Working day part time. It can never be higher than fifty% on that corresponding to a full-time worker, except for Youth Guarantee beneficiaries, which may reach 75% of the day.
The worker must combine employment and training.
Reduction of the business contribution to Social Security For common contingencies of 100% (company with less than 250 workers) or 75% (companies with more than 250 workers), the rest of contingencies will be paid in the ordinary way, as appropriate.
The reduction may be applied for a 24 months maximum.
possibility of programmed training (subsidized) in teletraining mode or private training (without the possibility of bonus) in teletraining or distance mode.
Immediate registration of the worker without the need for waiting time.
No contact hours by the worker.
The contract will be formalized in writing.
Requirements of the worker
To be able to access this type of contract, the worker must be under 30 years old and be registered as job seeker. In case of having a recognized degree of disability of at least 33%, the maximum age limit will be 35 years.
What's more, the worker must meet any of the following requirements:
Have no work experience or it is less than 3 months.
Come from another sector of activity. To see compliance with this requirement, the CNAE will be taken into account.
To be long-term unemployed, understood as such, that person who has been registered in the employment office for at least 12 months of the 18 months prior to hiring.
Lack of official compulsory education title (ESO), vocational training title or Certificate of Professionalism.
Be registered in the National Youth Guarantee System.
Requirements for the company:
This contract may be carried out by both companies and self-employed workers, as long as they have not made an unfair dismissal in the 6 months prior to the date of registration of the part-time contract.
The level of employment achieved with the contract must be maintained for at least a period equivalent to the duration of said contract with a maximum of 12 months from its celebration. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the incentives must be reimbursed. The obligation to maintain employment is not considered unfulfilled when the contract is terminated for objective reasons or due to disciplinary dismissal when one or the other is declared or recognized as appropriate, nor the resignation, death, retirement or total or absolute permanent disability or great disability of the worker or by expiration of the agreed time or performance of the work or service that is the object of the contract, or by resolution during the trial period.
The The company may not be in debt with the Treasury or Social Security.
Training linked to the part-time contract:
The worker will carry out a training action with a minimum of 90 hours. The completion of this training is mandatory.
It is not necessary for the training to be specifically linked to the job position covered by the contract.
If the training is done in teletraining mode, the company can reward the amount of this through the credit available for scheduled training, so it can cost € 0.