Social & Educational Innovation
The Europe 2020 Strategy is the EU's growth and employment agenda in this decade. It points to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the structural deficiencies of the European economy, improve its competitiveness and productivity and sustain a sustainable social market economy.
Project "HE-ENTREDIGComp"
Call for proposal 2020 Execution: 2020-2022
HE-ENTREDIGComp is a two-year strategic partnership project jointly implemented in four partner countries: Turkey, Spain, Italy and Greece, with the main objective to support the development of entrepreneurship and digital competences among higher education students and teachers.
We work on the lifelong learning competencies that are essential in the Erasmus + program. On the other hand, we address the need to promote awareness of European citizenship. As for Higher Education teachers, we give the opportunity to create networks with professionals from other countries, so that they can learn and grow professionally and exchange their work methodologies.
The main objective of the project is to develop entrepreneurship and digital skills in higher education students. In addition, it aims to train teachers in the framework of EntreComp and DigComp and in the use of HACKATHON as an innovative tool to improve entrepreneurial skills and digital innovation in higher education.
Several activities are planned during the implementation of the project.
TRAINING COURSE: development of entrepreneurial competence and innovation.
Higher Education teachers participating in this training will collaborate with their schools in the Hackathon events planned for the 4 participating countries and will implement an educational project based on the EntreComp and DigComp methodologies. The overall objective of this activity is to train Higher Education teachers in the EntreComp and DigComp framework and in the use of HACKATHON as an innovative tool to improve entrepreneurial skills and digital innovation. Teachers will incorporate entrepreneurship and digitization methodologies in their subjects and disseminate them among their colleagues. In addition, they will create a network with teachers from other countries and maintain contacts and collaborations at the end of the project.
A total of 4 Hackathons will be held in each participating country: Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey. Participants will be Higher Education students, selected by a Technical Committee established by the country's organization. The Committee will take into account the academic performance, specialization and values promoted by the EU of each candidate.
Five teams of four people will be formed and will work in the same space for 52 hours on one of the SDGs. At the end of the time, a jury will evaluate the prototypes and the best one will be included in the Guide for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competence and Innovation. The objective of the Hackathon will be to design and develop technology-based prototypes to solve a problem related to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the EU.
2nd TRAINING COURSE: development of entrepreneurial competence and innovation.
This training will allow teachers to share best practices learned in the implementation of their educational project in their schools. They will be able to share which are the most effective tools and strategies when implementing the EntreComp and DigComp methodology, the results obtained and the possible improvements or challenges in the implementation. In addition, they will be able to learn more about the SDGs and the challenges faced by other countries in relation to them. In this way, they will broaden their vision and knowledge of the European Union in a deep and meaningful sense.
At the end of the project, a Multiplier Event is planned. The target audience of the multiplier event will be varied, in order to increase the impact of the project and promote interest and dissemination of the tools and results. There will be educational centers working with Higher Education students: universities, training centers, VET centers; public institutions working with students or funding projects; technology companies and potential funders of prototypes and Start-Ups; students or teachers with an interest in entrepreneurship and/or digital technology; professional associations; NGOs caring for people at risk of social exclusion; associations for the disabled; students with winning projects from partner organizations.
HE-ENTREDIGComp aims to create two intellectual products. The first product is the Guide for the Development of the EntreComp and DigComp Framework in Higher Education. The objective will be to collect methodologies that allow the application of the EntreComp and DigComp frameworks in Higher Education, as well as the use of the Hackathon as an innovative tool. It will include good practices shared by teachers on innovative methodologies in Higher Education and also instructions on the planning of technology-based projects. Therefore, the main results of the project will be collected, so that anyone who consults the guide can understand what EntreComp and DigComp consist of and how to apply it in an innovative way in Higher Education.
The Guide to Entrepreneurial Projects in Higher Education is the second product of the project. It will focus on the compilation of the projects and prototypes presented in the Hackathons in each country. It will contain information on how to organize a Hackathon, how to manage it, good practices shared by the professionals involved (teachers, facilitators, experts). The ideas and prototypes of the participating students from each country will be explained, so that they can be disseminated and made visible to potential investors or companies. Finally, a list of interesting contacts will be included, such as institutions in the field of entrepreneurship, potential funders and companies.
The "HE-ENTREDIGComp" project reflects one of the founding values of AIDEJOVEN, which is to promote youth development by improving professional skills for employability and entrepreneurship skills. The promotion of an innovative training model and collaboration between different organizations has been encouraged.