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Project "CM Educando en Tolerancia"

This project will be implemented over a period of 12 months, throughout 2020.

The purpose of the project is to have a " Recognized Legal Norm (Especificación UNE) " for the management of tolerance in schools, in order to support them in the development of an action plan that benefits the entire educational community, especially young people who are in a situation of vulnerability and risk of social exclusion (due to personal conditions or social difficulties such as: economic, immigration, refugees, physical or cognitive disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) in order to improve coexistence, promote the acceptance of difference and prevent situations of failure and school dropout. In addition to the  " Recognized Legal Norm (Especificación UNE) ", which will integrate the rules, guidelines and common activities for the management of tolerance by the educational community, the project envisages the creation of a Network of centres and professionals committed to tolerance management, a Guide and a Web Platform that will bring together all the tools and information in this regard.

The objectives of the project are: to promote intersectoral cooperation between the different institutions of the educational community and social services, but without forgetting other institutions and companies, thus creating a collective conscience based on a tolerant society; to create a " Recognized Legal Norm (Especificación UNE) " that integrates a series of processes, guidelines, rules and common activities for the management of tolerance in educational centres; to provide an online support tool that facilitates the management of tolerance in schools; and offer families and citizens a QUALITY CERTIFICATE that ensures the commitment of the organisations to a model based on values of tolerance and inclusion.

Among the activities included in the project, there is: the creation of a " Recognized Legal Norm  (Especificación UNE) " that serves as a normative basis for the management of tolerance in schools; the formation of the MADRID TOLERANTE NETWORK of people and entities committed to the promotion of tolerance in our society; the development of a web platform that allows the articulation and dissemination of actions aimed at improving coexistence in schools; and the elaboration of a GUIDE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TOLERANCE that provides tools to schools in order to facilitate its implementation.

Once the objectives set out in the " Recognized Legal Norm (Especificación UNE) " have been met, educational centres will obtain a Tolerant Centre Certificate, which will serve as a stimulus and recognition for the centres, professionals, students and families.

AIDEJOVEN has devised this project with the aim of achieving a stronger commitment from the entire educational community to prevent exclusion, discrimination and bullying; therefore, it brings together a series of parameters that schools must implement to promote the development of competences and skills for coexistence, in a continuous improvement, which will be translated into environments of tolerance, equality and encourage the resolution of conflicts through dialogue and the rejection of violence. Furthermore, the creation of a network composed of all those educational or professional centres committed to the comprehensive training of minors and interested in promoting those values that we consider included in the term "being tolerant" such as the acceptance of differences in personal and/or social conditions, multiculturalism, integration, pluralism, human rights, democracy, freedom, respect, empathy, dialogue, a culture of peace, conflict prevention, gender equality and equal opportunities in general, all with the aim of improving coexistence in schools and positively affecting the academic performance of students, so that this also increases their motivation and reduces school drop-out rates.

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Alianza Internacional para el Desarrollo de los Jóvenes

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