Social & Educational Innovation
The Europe 2020 Strategy is the EU's growth and employment agenda in this decade. It points to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the structural deficiencies of the European economy, improve its competitiveness and productivity and sustain a sustainable social market economy.
Project "Impulsa tu Futuro!"
2019 - 2020
Project subsidised by the Community of Madrid for the social and labour insertion of people at risk of social exclusion. It is managed through individual and group activities in which participants can work on the development of their personal, social and labour skills; communication and guidance in the active search for employment. We also work on strengthening the society by promoting mutual support and awareness of gender equality.
The aim of the employment guidance is to accompany, advise and motivate in the active search for employment. The aim is to empower each person, according to their interests, needs, abilities and skills to face the challenges posed by the current labour market.
Assessment of needs and design of a personalised itinerary
Reception and first attention
Follow-up and support in the search for employment
Employment orientation.
Personal, social and work skills workshops.
Workshops on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Social networks: Facebook and Twitter.
Workshops on active job search.
Training courses for employment.
Creation of mutual support groups.
Workshops on gender equality.
Spanish classes.
Citizenship workshops: Rights and duties.
Environmental education workshops.
The main achievement is to provide more opportunities for women and men to participate in the development of their personal, social and occupational skills.
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