Social & Educational Innovation
The Europe 2020 Strategy is the EU's growth and employment agenda in this decade. It points to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the structural deficiencies of the European economy, improve its competitiveness and productivity and sustain a sustainable social market economy.
Who we are
AIDEJOVEN - International Alliance for Youth Development, is constituted as an NGO in order to promote equality among all people, developing projects and programs aimed at preventing discrimination for any reason: birth, race, sex, religion or personal and social condition, as reflected in the Spanish constitution, as well as in the implementation of projects and programs of cooperation for development and co-development in countries with low per capita income and extreme poverty.
Maria Eugenia Larraín Alba
General Coordinator
Professional with extensive experience in the design, management and coordination of projects in the national and European social field. At the national level he has been mainly responsible for the development of socio-educational intervention programs, employment and entrepreneurship. Currently general coordinator of the Training Center for Employment accredited by the Community of Madrid with code 28037.
Regina Mayans de la Morena
Head of Studies / Trainer
Diploma in Social Work. Master in Coaching and Master in Conflict Resolution. Certificate of habilitation of Adviser and Evaluator. From 2014 to the present I collaborate with different companies, training (AideJoven, AideFormación, Adefis, Cefoim, ADF, EAGE) preparing and developing the content of the classes, tutoring, preparing exams, exercises, activities, etc.
Rosana Fernandez Valdeolivas
Auxiliary Nursing Care Technician Degree in English Studies, Language Literature and Culture.
Complementary training:
Management of Care Services for the Elderly. Union of Cooperatives Madrileña.
Certified Trainer Healthcare Attention to Dependents in Social Institutions. Auxiliary team supervisor.
Maria Paz Ramos Tirado
Master's Degree in Educational Innovation and Research. Master in Emotional Intelligence. Mindfulness certificate. Degree in Psychopedagogy. Diploma in Music Education. Superior Technician of Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory. Professor FP Training Cycle Higher Degree in Early Childhood Education. Teacher Certificate of Professionalism Health Care for Dependents in Social Institutions.